VT2000   DESIGN  for  A R T I S T S  in the   INFORMATION AGE

Web Design Information

As I said earlier, I design to web standards. And, I will not let you fall afoul of any of the items listed in the table below!

What Viewers Dislike

Design Element Users Answering
"Very Negatively"
or "Negatively"
Pops-up in front of your window 95%
Loads slowly 94%
Tries to trick you into clicking on it 94%
Does not have a "Close" button 93%
Covers what you are trying to see 93%
Doesn't say what it is for 92%
Moves content around 92%
Occupies most of the page 90%
Blinks on and off 87%
Floats across the screen 79%
Automatically plays sound 79%

Table is taken from Jakob Nielsen's December 6, 2004 Alertbox. Don't let the date dissuade you. Everything still applies!

About the Table

Since 1995 I have subscribed to Jakob Nielsen's newsletter. And, in that time, he has become the most trusted authority on the usability of web sites. His seminars are presented in major, and not so major cities all over the country.

If you do your own web design, you would do well to follow his research. His site and all back-issues of his newsletter are at Alertbox from Dr. Jakob Nielsen

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